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The UN Climate Change Conference COP (– December 2019) will take place under the Presidency of the Government of Chile and will be held with . CDP Events at COP25. Wednesday, December, 18:00-19:3 WWF Pavilion. Science Based Targets: Progress in Driving Ambitious Climate Action. This year was the th edition . Sur les décisions qui ont été adoptées par la COP-, sept par la CMP . The twenty-fifth session of the Conference of the Parties ( COP ), the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting . COP: What will be expect and what is its objective?

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The next COP, will take place from to of December at IFEMA, located in Madrid. Le changement climatique est un grand fléau qui touche le monde entier. La COP : date et enjeux de la conférence ? Il perturbe la vie des populations tout .